Artist Statement
Reynolds' time-based work is developed through an accumulation of observations painted over the course of many days. This process explores the compulsion to get at something beyond the static image. When painting layers of time there is a quality of being a witness to one's life, perception, and inevitable mortality, that is communicated through the subject's translation into paint. Through many...
Reynolds' time-based work is developed through an accumulation of observations painted over the course of many days. This process explores the compulsion to get at something beyond the static image. When painting layers of time there is a quality of being a witness to one's life, perception, and inevitable mortality, that is communicated through the subject's translation into paint. Through many cycles of destroying, layering, and rebuilding the image, the essential qualities of movement, spontaneity, and psychological insight are conveyed. In the tension between the static painting and the constantly changing subject, a balance is struck between abstraction and representation.