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1991     Otis/Parsons 

1987    El Camino College



2016      Into the Blue, Sue Greenwood Fine Art, Laguna Beach, CA 

2014      Golden State, Sue Greenwood Fine Art, Laguna Beach, CA 

2013      The Native Edge, Theodore Payne Foundation, Sunland, CA  

2011      Landscapes, Sue Greenwood Fine Art, Laguna Beach, CA 

2010      Urbane Terrain, True World Gallery, Joshua Tree, CA

2009      Desert Paintings, Sue Greenwood Fine Art, Laguna Beach, CA 

               Desert of My Heart, True World Gallery, Joshua Tree, CA

2008      Collective Amnesia, Metro Gallery, Los Angeles, CA 

2006      The Arroyo in Miniature, Bliss Gallery, Pasadena, CA

2004      Skylight, Ojala Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

2003      Echo-29, Ojala Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

2001      Elysian Views, Ojala Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

1998      Memoria, Ojala Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

1992      Burning Buildings, Frogtown Gallery, Los Angeles, CA



2019     Group Show, Sue Greenwood Fine Art, Laguna Beach, CA 

             Spring Salon, Sullivan Goss, Santa Barbara, CA

2018      Bradley Hankey, Mary-Austin Klein & Jason Kowalski, Sue Greenwood

              Fine Art, Laguna Beach, CA

               Spring Break, Sullivan Goss, Santa Barbara, CA

2017      100 Grand, Sullivan Goss, Santa Barbara, CA

               Dog Days of Summer, Sue Greenwood Fine Art, Laguna Beach, CA

               Cityscape Show VII, George Billis Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

2016      100 Grand, Sullivan Goss, Santa Barbara, CA

               Winter Small Works Show, Altmira Fine Art, Jackson, WY

               Massively Small, J Go Gallery, Park City, UT

               The Salton Sea:  Lost in Paradise, Marks Art Center, Palm Desert, CA

2015      100 Grand, Sullivan Goss, Santa Barbara, CA

               American Details, Sullivan Goss, Santa Barbara, CA

               Desertscapes:  Peripheral Vision, Marks Art Center, Palm Desert, CA

               Road Trip, Sue Greenwood Fine Art, Laguna Beach, CA

2014      100 Grand, Sullivan Goss, Santa Barbara, CA

               California Dreaming, Oceanside Museum of Art, CA

2013      100 Grand, Sullivan Goss, Santa Barbara, CA

2012      Nothing But Blue Skies, Sue Greenwood Fine Art, Laguna Beach, CA

               Palette to Palate, Laguna Beach Museum of Art, Laguna Beach, CA

               New Works, Sue Greenwood Fine Art, Laguna Beach, CA

               Semblance, Metro Galleries, Bakersfield, CA

               California Dreamin’, Sue Greenwood Fine Art, Laguna Beach, CA

2010      Landscapes, Sue Greenwood Fine Art, Laguna Beach, CA 

               Valley of the Ancient Lake, Salton Sea History Museum, CA

               California Contemporary, Metro Galleries, Bakersfield, CA

2009      Urban Color, Metro Galleries, Bakersfield, CA

2008      Los Angeles River, City Hall Bridge Gallery, Los Angeles

2006      Off in the Distance, Metro Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

               Visions of the Golden State, Metro Galleries, Bakersfield, CA

2005      Vistas de Soledad, Metro Gallery, Los Angeles

               Diane Best & Mary-Austin Klein, 29 Palms Gallery, Twentynine Palms, CA

               Desert Diversity, 29 Palms Gallery, Twentynine Palms, CA



2017      Art About Agriculture, Santa Paula Art Museum, Santa Paula, CA

2015      California Dreaming, Riverside Museum of Art, CA

2014      California Dreaming, Oceanside Museum of Art, CA

               California Dreaming, Palazzo della  Provincia  di  Frosinone,  Italy

               Kern County at a Distance, Bakersfield Museum of Art, Bakersfield, CA

2011      Face of California, Santa Paula Art Museum, Santa Paula, CA



2018     Sid Reddy, “Meet Mary-Austin Klein of Echo Park”

             Voyage LA, August 2018

2016      Liz Goldner, “Exhibition Review -  Into the Blue” 

               Art Scene Magazine, June 2016

               John Seed, “Into the Blue” Huffingto Post, June 2016

2015      Richard Chang, “The Real Deal”   

               Laguna Beach Magazine, May 2015

2013      Pamela Burgess, “Mary-Austin Klein, TPF Artist-in-Residence”

               The Poppy Print, April    2013

               Danae Jarrett, “Painter of Kern County” 

               Bakersfield Life Magazine, August    2013

               Steven Biller, “Palm Springs and the High Desert:  It's a Dry Heat” 

               Art LTD Magazine, February    2013

2012      William Lagattuta, “I See Mary-Austin Skies in LA” Made in Frogtown Blog, 

               August 2012

               Andy Brumer, “Exhibition Preview” Art Scene Magazine, November 2012

2007     Vickie Waite,“Two  Artists  and  a  Homestead  Cabin” 

               Sun Runner Magazine, October/November 2007

2006      Bryn Jones & Mark Trautwein “Desert Legacy, Guide to  the Wild Mojave” California Wilderness Coalition

2001      Danette Riddle, “Elegant Resting Place” 

               LA Architect Magazine, July/August 2001